這一次的補選,公正黨所喊的口號清楚的顯示出,它們要選民票選出的不只是一位國會議員罷了,而是一位不久后將上位的首相。試想想,安華想當首相,這其中公正黨還得拉攏不少過30位的國陣國會議員跳槽,才能組成勉強過半的不穩定的聯邦政府。拉攏以國陣的旗幟黨選的議員跳槽根本是一項踐踏民意和反民主的髒手段。再說,若勉強的組成這弱勢的政府 (國會議員包括了強調神權主義的回教黨、安華口口聲聲所說的貪污腐敗的巫統議員和一大堆的政治青蛙),只會造成社會動蕩、人心惶惶。即時,經濟衰退、治安敗壞,人民必定將活在水深火熱之中。很明顯的只有被權力沖昏了頭腦的政客才會有這損人利己的手段。
9 条评论:
I have to disagree with a couple of things that you mentioned.
You said that Anwar "abused" the by-election system. But everyone knows that he has no choice but to do so. With his impending sodomy charges and the efforts by certain quarters to hamper his quest to topple the government, he was forced to.
Yes, he has to get not less than 30 BN MPs to cross over if he is to form a Fed Govt and that, that is against the spirit of democracy. But those MPs might have been elected by the ppl based on their creditabilities & abilities to serve and not because of the party they are in, and therefore which ever party they belong to, i think as long as they continue to serve the ppl who elected them, it think it doesn't go against the idea of democracy.
In addition to that, not all MPs eventhough they are in BN may agree with how the current premiership is steering the country (所謂的人在江湖,身不由己嘛)and hence crossing over may be a way out for them ; they still serve the ppl but they will do so with more conscience and with a different ideology and method than that of BN.
Anyway, let's just hope that some good may come out of this by-election bcos i don't see how the current government can be or will better, not now and not in the near future...
Don't you think that creditabilities include holding to your own principles?
Of course you can argue that if those BN MPs no longer believe in the principles which their party is fighting for, they might as well have a change too. But I would say if they are men of principles, they would have changed their positions donkey years ago, why now? why after BN lost the majority? why at this stage where Anwar seems to have a really good chance to win?
If you genuinely believe that people don't choose their representatives based on the party which they are in, we wouldn't have heard comments like'vote DAP because they will help us to fight against UMNO'- the result: we got a government which isnt ready to be the government yet.
Of course, CM Guan Eng seems to be doing quite well,but what about other YBs that do not seem to have much qualifications? Please don't say that we do not care about qualifications, if not people wouldnt have made a fuss when they learnt that ministers in Singapore graduated from top-ranking uni in the world whereas our ministers, barely passed their exams.
That is not to say that we don't need a change. How I wish we have better oppositions.
Miss Goh
skypaul :听说华叔能狂赢万五至两万票。少我一票他还有一万四千九百九十九票。
anonymous :Again, in my opinion, Anwar is abusing "by election" to achieve “certain agenda“. He definitely has choice ie to wait till next GE.
Mind you, during GE 12, most of the MPs were elected base on the party they are in and not much of their abilities and capabilities.
If the current BN's MPs are not happy with BN then they can resign and contest as opposition candidates in by elections and get the mandate via the democratic way.
kinkyskiny :在国阵政府的英明领导之下,国人人均寿命延长。你也必能长民百岁。
Miss Goh : you are right. Credibilities include holding to one's principles.
PR should play their contructive roles as an effective opposition at Federal level.
高猪:anjing pun undikah? jangan lah itu macam. Tak suka kalu boleh buang undi rosak.
kinkyskiny :来个公投决定民政是否该离开国阵?或许可以请教公投专家--阿扁。